Tuesday 16 November 2010

Sex on wax applied logo.

I then implemented the chosen logo across stationary and t-shirts. I think this logo works better than the pure type logo in terms of longevity and in terms of aesthetic. The legs and the rounded type face represent the 'sexy' part of the brand whilst the positioning of text subtly hints at the theme of sound.

Things that i might try and re-work are the stock of the letter heads and other stationary and also business cards and envelopes. I might try use a more fluro paper stock rather than the quaint pink i have used here.

Decided to use a fluro stock to enhance the feeling of that 'cheap sex' look, similar to sex shops and the amsterdam red light district with a solid black on top. 1 because it stand out more than the red and two it will be cheaper to print just black it can also be photocopied on to any stock.

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