Tuesday 30 November 2010

R&S records.

My intentions for the r and s records was to bring it up to date from the existing logo. I took the form of a r and s and simplified them to two shapes which can used across a massive range.

This also represent's the simplistic straight to the point music that r and s in known for.


Quite happy with the final out come of the hoya hoya branding it's playful and chunky much like the music that hoya hoya are known.

The colours represent the light's of a night club and could be used for proposed ranges of music release's or club nights.

I want to try and get that electronic japanese feel to the branding as the name hoya hoya also suggest's this.

Final 5 Logo's

The HOYA:HOYA logo was based on the theme of old skool computer games with a comtempory twist. Creating a chunky typeface to also represent the music.

Klap Klap logo based upon the existing logo, but simplified to a pictogram style logo that can used at a number of size's and across a number of ranges.

NSA dubs logo based upon the sound of the label. Broken and futuristic.

The R and S records logo was produced to update the label using two simple shapes that represent the letter forms R & S along with a new type face that can be used across r and s branded material.

Sex on wax logo was produced with the idea of sleazy style sex culture the type face was chosen as it gives of a rounded look similar to that of neon light's that are well know for being the the window's of certain 'shops'.

Hoya : Hoya Letter heads and compliment slips.

Hoya Hoya flyers Applied Logo and typeface.



Using the colour palette i applied the logo across a promotional flyer. The Hoya Hoya type face was hard to read as body copy so i used helvetica for the body copy staying in tune with design direction there already have.

The use of helvetica suits the subject matter as well as complimenting the less ledigble Hoya Hoya typeface.

Hoya Hoya Idents

Untitled from martyn woolley on Vimeo.

Untitled from martyn woolley on Vimeo.

Untitled from martyn woolley on Vimeo.

Untitled from martyn woolley on Vimeo.

Hoya Hoya I-dent 5 from martyn woolley on Vimeo.

Just did some quick i-dents too show how the logo could be used. These could be used to promote there youtube page where they upload video on a regular occurrence or even at there club events in manchester as a back drop for the night club.

Within these idents/sting the colour pallete is very affective its throws off hints of night clubs light's as well as that computer game style which fits the music style and fan base.

Hoya : Hoya

The idea was to use's a large colour palette which can broken down and used as theme's within other branded material.

Quite like the diagonal colour way, could be used within a motion graphic quite well as the baton behind the logo are prime for movement due to there 45 degree angle.

Hoya Hoya Logo

Quite happy with the final logo it gives of a electronic feel and at the same time plays on the aesthetics of a japanese motor companies similar to Nissan or something similar.

I think a strong colour palette will be in order, something similar to the pet shop boys colour range of work done by farrow.


Started out quite direct with this logo, I wanted to base it around the actual words within the logo "hoya-hoya" which i think gives off a slightly oriental feel. I then thought about the music style and genre which would suit with the modern electronic Japanese style brands and artwork so i went along those lines when developing.

Whilst coming up with a custom logo I though about creating a full typeface which could be used within other promotional material and the within the brand itself.

This could be used on sampler cd's, flyers, poster,s the website and other online resources or even motion graphics for the event.