Thursday 14 January 2010

Subject, Design direction and rationale


Top ten------MTV’s top ten MC’s of all time.

SUBJECT & RATIONALE (including themes, target audience, tone of voice)

Taking It Back.-------- The theme for this motion graphic will be old skool hip hop. Taking heavy influence from early days hip hop flyers and early graffiti style typography which has seen a current rise in popularity.

My target audience is MTV’s viewer’s, which have a median age of 21.6 years. I feel that the visual language used is appropriate for the target audience and gives off a young, fun, informal look.


The tone of voice will be informal, and fun which will connect with the viewers, I shall be using black and white for the text which references my research into early hip hop visuals and other similar typographic treatments and at the same time will make the type more legible. I will use another bright, bright exciting colour but need to test to confirm what this will be. At the moment im thinking of a Bright gold(although this contradicts my design rationale as I want to take hip-hop back to it roots rather than the bling style it seems to hold now.), Bright slime green and Vibrant fuchsia, these are the types of colours used in 80’s style visual’s high contrasting ,vulgar colours.

Action plan.

Finish all assets and illustrations by the week starting on the 18th.
- Rappers names
- lyrics
- relevant imagery

*18th - 24th Decide and finish schematic for dvd menus and titles.
*18th - 24th Start story boarding and testing animation pieces.

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