Monday 25 January 2010

Feed back tutorial

Strengths that you have developed during Level 5.

- Organization and planning skills
- Time management
- Understanding of design context
- Design for motion
- Better understanding of commercial print process.
- Attendance

Weaknesses that you have identified during Level 5.

- Attention to detail
- Critical studies task and reading
- Idea generation
- On going Documentation of work
- Evaluating on going and final.

Issues that you want to discuss with regards to your current progress.

Action plan-------

Critical studies essay

Managing deadlines
Studio research feeds into my dissertation research.

Portfolio and CV

So I can apply for work placements in a area which I wish to go further in.

Digital module

To increase my knowledge and skill in producing motion graphics.

Design context

Helps me continuously develop my understanding of design and design in context.


Image module

To increase my attention to detail and help me understand a area which is somewhere I want to specialize in.

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