Wednesday 15 December 2010

OUGD 301 Evaluation

Within this module I feel I have developed and progressed my skills in type and layout. I feel this is becoming more of a focus in my work and is something I want to peruse further within my FMP. I do feel there was a lack of use within using different materials and process’s as I spent too much time focusing on the actual designing of logo’s or layouts. To improve on this I needed to be stricter with deadlines and ensure I produce action plans and stick to them.

I also think a strength within this module was the presentation of work, I now feel competent I can produce work of a high standard and record it for use within my portfolio which is something I did not feel comfortable with in previous modules.

I felt I needed to do more in terms of working across digital, print and motion and next time I will write specific briefs to work within these areas and use the other as outlets for ranges and distributions.

I felt my lack of planning hindered the production of my work and tended to make briefs become boring as I was spending to much time on them re-adjusting things time after time. To ensure this won’t happen

I think next time I will work with more process’s when producing products and ideas and try and spend less time on the computer, this sometimes hindered me as I would spend to much time adjusting small things. I also think that not physical producing work at times made me feel less attached to my work and in turn I didn’t feel inspired at times.

Next time I will work to a faster pace completing briefs much quicker and at the same time planning them out much more thoroughly. I think this will help me complete briefs to a higher standard, as they will become more exciting and less laborious to as I like to work at a quick pace as I become bored quickly.

I also want to improve and specialize more within motion graphics, I have touched it slightly through the module but feel I am confident working within this process and want to make it a large part of my practice.

I also feel that I needed to use and produce more ongoing documentation in terms of evaluating and also in terms of annotating research to fully understand what I am looking at and why I feel It is appropriate to what I am doing.

Over all I feel I worked hard in the beginning of the module but due to lack of planning the work I was producing became stagnant and boring and this I why my latter briefs suffered in my opinion.

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