Friday 10 December 2010

2 new quick briefs.

Design and brand the 2010 typogateaux identity and promo & Design the Xmas Pool Competition poster and sign up sheet.


Promo Poster
Event Banner
Entry form

Pool Comp

Promo Poster
Sign Up Sheet
1st Place Certificate

Choose to go for the pastel colours for the Typogateaux branding which are reminiscent of cupcake icing and the logo is a simplified version of a round cake with a slice taken out of it bring the symbol to it's simplest yet legible form.

The repeat pattern of the colours is taken from the idea of layers in cakes where different coloured sponge is layered on top of each other.

Overall the branding need to be aimed at young designer's with a hint of cakes and fun. I think it worked out quite well.

The idea behind the pool comp was to get the information across clearly and entice people to join in by sorting of throwing the gauntlet down by suggest alex 'pheonix' walter has given the challenge him self to beat him.

Colour palette was taken from a 60's style pool hall and limited to 2 colours for impact.

Helvetica was used within both briefs to meet with the visual aesthetic of the course already to show visual consistency.

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