Wednesday 20 October 2010

Crit Feedback

The general feedback from the crit was good. For me it was important to make things as simple and clear as possible 1. for others to feed back and 2. for assessment reason's.

The following points were made for me to follow up on which i agreed with.

- Focus your rational more ie. annouce sector you will work for. ( after talking with joe I shortened down my rational to focus it more but not to specify just on music. after this point was made in the crit perhaps adding something about the culture sector ie. Creative, Music, Arts, design, film, sport, fashion should be added to my rational.

- State that the poster are to be hung in frames in a home rather than just cheap commercial poster that would be stuck on a wall with blue tack.

- Consider promotional methods for the online shop of POPUP. How will people be directed to the online shop? etc.

- Do more variations of the 2nd and 3rd poster set.

- Annotate research and developed at a more through level.

- Evaluate work as well as stating what i will do.

5 crit questions

1. Do the briefs wrote match my rational?

2. Are the typefaces for the poster's suitable?

3. Would the poster be suitable for a house hold environment?

4. Is there sufficient evidence of development on my d.p blog?

5. Do the initial design direction's 9 ( typefaces, colours, contextual material) work for the stated briefs?

1 comment:

  1. You seem to have understood the feedback well, mate. Your rationale as it stands fits your work and practise, we just felt the music element fitted more so with what you have produced so far. However, you're right in leaving it out if you have decided to not limit yourself to just a music context, so a cultural or social theme would suit.

    Continue with the your convention of PDF/Issuu documentation, this is great for our/assessing benefit, though also your own, helping you to clarify and focus. As said earlier, there does seem to be a little jump between initial design direction and resolves, though also a direct link, as both stages of your design development had similar work. This could be improved by broadening the production techniques and processes, and further experimenting with a variety of visual treatments and a wider range of type. However, this isn't quite so relevant for your poster briefs, as they are quick turn around and quite set in a style you/your mate had in mind.

    Great quantity and effective solutions so far, well done!
