Thursday 11 March 2010

New revised brief.

Brief - Bring new customer to the british music experience.

Concept - Rekindle peoples lost passion for music.

Idea - Think of 5 things in your environment you can use as a musical instrument.

Audience - People who have lost there passion for music.

Using a mundane situation to exaggerate peoples lost passion for music and how they dream of being a famous music star.

My first ideas came in the form of rough story boards, after the crit the feed back for these was positive but i need to refine them to a higher quality. I have also thought about photo story boarding them as key frames.

Another thing that came from the crit was to see how i could push my story ideas further maybe into illustrations or as photography this something i will develop over the next week. We also need to come up with a tag line which Mitch is going to look at and also look at some more iconic type or suitable type to use with the advertisement idea.

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