Tuesday 30 March 2010

Tuesday 23 March 2010

Evaluation of collaborative work.

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have

applied them?

Through this part of the module i have found that my skills in idea generation have developed. I generally struggle with this part of my design practice but i felt working with a partner ( at times ) helped produce more ideas but also gave us the task of being super selective and decisive which at times hindered the design process. I applied this by not thinking narrowly and coming up with a number of ideas based around our concept.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your

design development process?

I felt that we researched sufficient information about the BME but felt a trip would of informed us more and maybe have given's us more springboards for ideas. I also felt that i could of research into more advertising campaigns which would of helped inform my design decision's and also given me inspiration.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I felt that through out this brief i have made good use of my organisation skills and time management. At times the work flow became confused i think this was due to the concept problems we faced at the start of the brief but when things needed to be done we arranged appropriate systems and time tables to enable us to finish the work for our own deadlines.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

Through out the brief i felt like i hadn't pushed my self to my fullest, i found it hard and difficult to work in a collaboration as at times i think communication was a struggle. I also felt that i couldn't work at my own pace which had a influence on my own work flow. To address this i need to be more organised in my planning and not fall into the trap think i will wait and see what has been done and then do what need to be done.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing


1. Work at my own work rate and not fall in to the trap of waiting. this will help me create a amount of work i feel happy with.

2. I will be more decisive and and 'just do it' so i can make informed, and calculated decisions. This will help me develop my concept and act as a spring board for other ideas.

3. Create and stick to a time table, by doing this i will be able to deal with multiple tasks and briefs.

4. If working with a partner i will try and communicate more which will help the work flow and development of the brief.

5. Create more visual ideas and variation which again will help me decide on what work is most suitable for developing to a further stage.

Attendance 5

Punctuality 5

Motivation 4

Commitment 3

Quantity of work produced 3

Quality of work produced 3

Contribution to the group 3

YCN final boards

Friday 19 March 2010

Website rough V1.

Rough website i want it to be clear and non fussy showcasing my work rather than my website. I've linked in the colour way from my blog which ties in my identity as a brand. I still think there will be a few more version of my website before i decide on a final one.

Freddie's photo shoot treatments.

Freddie's photo shoot

Photo development for the first "don't just dream it" advertising campaign. Took both portrait and landscape photos so that we could expand the ad from bus stop advertisement space to advertisement on buses and through billboards.

We found it hard to replicate freddie mercury to the fullest without actually using a full freddie mercury costume.

I feel that the out fit in the picture just doesn't shout freddie mercury enough. if we were to do this again we would try and rent out or buy a full costume just so that the freddie mercury image is at it's clearest.

Thursday 11 March 2010

New revised brief.

Brief - Bring new customer to the british music experience.

Concept - Rekindle peoples lost passion for music.

Idea - Think of 5 things in your environment you can use as a musical instrument.

Audience - People who have lost there passion for music.

Using a mundane situation to exaggerate peoples lost passion for music and how they dream of being a famous music star.

My first ideas came in the form of rough story boards, after the crit the feed back for these was positive but i need to refine them to a higher quality. I have also thought about photo story boarding them as key frames.

Another thing that came from the crit was to see how i could push my story ideas further maybe into illustrations or as photography this something i will develop over the next week. We also need to come up with a tag line which Mitch is going to look at and also look at some more iconic type or suitable type to use with the advertisement idea.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Initial YCN/BME

I looked at a number of target audience and tried to adapt and tailor suit my concept to each one through different scenario's. I also used the key artist from the 'edge zones' at the BME as reference so it ties in with the BME experience.

After the crit it was made apparent that we needed to execute these ideas through either photo story boards or press adverts. Next step is generating ideas and situations to simplify the 'story' to a single image.

BME/YCN Collab

After the crit last week we decided to scrub are initial idea of changing the face of BME visuals, it was made apparent that the concept was weak and that the outcome would be mostly superficial.

I have documented the work i produced for this here and also some of the re-working of concept ideas and research to inform my concept decisions.

As a collaborative we have decided to work on two different concepts to see how far we can push the idea on our own and then evaluate them both and go for the strongest idea.

The first concept is , 'making people remember'. This idea came about from seeing how people tend to lose there passion for music as they age or other things become more important. The concept could be executed in different ways to appeal to a mixed demographic audience but all share a lost passion for music.

Our second concept is based upon the private hire space which is available for hire at the BME. This would be directed at corporate companies that are involved with or around music. ( HMV, PMT, Record labels, Booking agents etc.) The space could be used for private party's, award ceremonies, rock and pop gigs, cocktail receptions and private and corporate events.

Wednesday 3 March 2010

dreamweaver session 1

800 x 600

no horizontal scroll bar

breaking a rule in context

fixed or scroll ?

1 navigation

Dreamweaver session 1

Purpose -

Online presence
Increase profile
Standardize work

Target audience -

Potential employers
Potential clients
Like minded people

Audience -

Showcase of work

Research -

Other people sites
Potential employers

4 Principles of websites -


- balance
- flow
- alignment
- resolution
- grids


-font standard
-font stacks


-hexadecimal code


-in context