Thursday 30 September 2010

Development of Roland iconic poster series

From the development of my initial ideas i used the idea of 'jack plugs' and the number of the roland instrument. I first started by add the illustrated jack plug and grouping it with number creating type as image, then i started to play around with composition to see which sits on the paper best.

After i had come up with a interesting composition i felt that the addition of colour would bring through the authenticity more. I investigated what colours the instrument were and from there creating a limited colour palette that could be used with the whole set of posters.

I then added specification information to the poster to create a Manuel/techy style look that would appeal to the target audience.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Electronic Music Influenced Poster's

After initial ideas for this brief i have decided on some deliverables and constraints.

1. I shall design 3 series of 5 posters.

-Roland drum machines
-Song titles

The first set will be quite structured creating abstract Type as image using the type face helvetica and only the Numbers 808,909 and 303.

The second set will be song titles that relate to the target audience.

The third set will be genres based focus on the genre's visual style and traits.

2. The poster shall be screen printed

3. The size of the poster will be 50 cm x 70 cm

Monday 27 September 2010

More focused briefs & umbrella statement.

After the session with Fred I have identified the things that I want to do which has led me to re-write my briefs to become more focused.

I have decided to bite the bullet and focus my year on design for music and underground culture.

I decided that i want to do:

Screen Printing
Branding & Identity
Motion Graphics

"Design for Music + Underground culture focusing on Branding & Promotion within Print and Motion graphics."

This statement helped me focus my briefs, which will hopefully make it easier to re-solve them to there full potential.

Thursday 23 September 2010

OUGD 301 Proposed final 4 x Briefs

OUGD 301 10 x Briefs

My Wants’& My Don’t Wants’.


• I want to produce motion graphics, type as image, layout and print.


Because these are the areas of work I enjoy and the areas of work I intend to work within when I leave.

• I want to gain a work placement / industry experience with a company that is suited to my design practice.


Because it will give me an idea of how a professional creative environment works and will help me gain contact to further my career path.

• I want to produce a range of work within across a disciplines.


To show I have an understanding of different medias and approaches to really meet the brief.

“The Discipline of Design is not important it's the idea”©.

• I want to produce work that is of a professional standard not only in terms of concept, development and resolution but also in terms of time scale and deadlines.


So I have work that I am happy with putting within my portfolio and my online presence. For me first impression count and I want to make the best first impression I can to future client/employers. I always think working within realistic times scales would help bridge the gap between education and industry although I do appreciate that in education things to be done to make work assessable and understand the purpose etc.

• I want to collaborate with others within collage and outside of collage.


This will help me develop my professionalism dealing with other peoples specifications and ideas I will have to work at a professional rate meeting and if possible exceeding there expectations. I also think it would be beneficial working with other as I can learn and develop new skills from others.


• I don’t want to produce packaging for corporate companies.


In my opinion the majority of corporate packaging is often safe and with the audience’s comfort zone and this is not the kind of work I want to produce.

• I don’t want to do any web development or coding.


I’m happy designing the mocks ups for layouts, design directions etc. for websites but I find coding boring and I don’t stay up late enough to be a hacker.

• I don’t want to design hand illustrated book covers.


Because I don’t want to be an illustrator.

• I don’t want to do advertising concepts.


Because after the YCN brief for The British Music Experience I can’t cope looking or coming up with another tagline. I have identified this is not one of my strengths.

Monday 13 September 2010

Mitternacht Flyer 17092010

Mitternacht visuals

Leon has asked me to create some visuals for Mitternacht although Im struggling to get it done on time as its this friday, but there will be next month etc. I had a mess about getting used to after effects again as i will probably be using it a lot this year combined with final cut and other new programs such as cinema 4d.

First i need to rember is not to work 4:3 i dont know how i got that wrong, and im debating if i should start working in HD 1920 x 1080 as that seems to be the way it is going.