Tuesday 27 July 2010

RSS- Reverend Sound System

So after moving back home for a bit i got involved with a project through my good friend Jimmy Ocelot. He was producing tracks for a new project called RSS or Reverend Sound System which included Jon Mclure ( the rev ) a rapper from sheffield called Mattic Mouf and Laura Mclure ( Jon's Wife).

At first i was just hanging around making little bits and bats of music for Jimmy to take apart and jiminize if you will and then i noticed the branding and art direction for RSS what completely dated and defiantly could of done with a rework so i got talking to Jon and we ( me and Cory Kilduff) started to mess around with logo's and ideas. Cory came up with this.

We felt it just had a little more pressence within today's bold and brash visuals and also represented the music better. ( The old one was pretty much the same font DMZ use and i felt that the musically style, although completly different could be put in the same ' UK Bass' pigeon hole by the masses so it had to change.)

Here the logo that Cory did and that i will have to use through out this project.

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