Tuesday 27 July 2010

RSS- Depth charge test.

Depth Charge - I came up with the concept of a submarine and some sort of missile/rocket attack, the idea seems to work quite well and also the colours also fitted due to the song being about a girl and love so red seemed like a good choice for that and also for the look of a flashing warning light that is found within the bunker of a sub marine. Still need to stoary board some more bits and tweak some of the movements etc, but i am happy with the design direction of this video.

RSS- Bassline final

So this is the final video, i dont know why there seems to be a cropped line at each side, the full quality vid seemed to be working fine?

Ive sent the video to a lad in sheffield i met called Sean Tucker or heskey, he makes films and is pretty good with a camera
here's a link for his website.

And here's a film he did with Jon.

The idea now is for Heskey to make a film as well, then we will sit down together and edit the footage between the two films. So 1 down.....

RSS- Bassline test 3

RSS- Bassline test 2

RSS- Bassline test 1

RSS- Visual album

Jon's quite the idea man and constantly thinks things up and has things to do. He asked if i could do some visual's for the live gigs they play that could play behind them as they did there thing.

I showed him some motion graphic stuff i did this year and he was up for it. He forgot to mention they have a set list of 8 songs and are highly productive in making music and i think at the moment it has grown to 11 or so.

So i sat in a caravan in Scunthorpe and draw up some story boards using the RSS logo and the RSS speaker and decided on the extra color to use with the already agreed gray, and white. I decided on yellow because of it's high impact and legibility which need to be present due to the less legible font that was used for the logo and the song title 'Bassline'

Splash Page- test's

First task was to replace the splash page that had already gone up after talking to Toby ( art director at wall of sound records) he liked the logo, so i got down to designing some very rough splash pages.

Jon wanted to use Gold black and white, at first i was worried as gold is such a hard colour to work with digitally. I tried a few and felt that it kind of looked a bit tacky using the gradients and the flat orange gold colour just didn't stick it.

so i talked to jon again and i felt that we should use brght colours along side black and white. Blacks a bit boring though so i dedcided to use the nearest thing, gray.

2d2d2d was the choice for the digital work.

This was the final outcome for the splash page, it took ages as i had to get help coding a player which was made in the shape of the 'RSS speaker' which was something i added to the branding side of RSS and felt it could be used within future artwork and promotion.

The coding completely through me off and i realized that you have to remember a hell of a lot of codes to be able to anything involving web design. Thanks to Jamie Grind for helping me with it though.

The page is getting ready to go online soon. ( i think.... The music industry is much similar to a Moroccan market place where markets sellers are shouting prices and exchanges with other market sellers, whilst innocent tourist are getting there wallets emptied and looking worried whilst the more experience travelers are haggling for the best price they can get but nothing ever seems to go right or actually bought.)

RSS- Reverend Sound System

So after moving back home for a bit i got involved with a project through my good friend Jimmy Ocelot. He was producing tracks for a new project called RSS or Reverend Sound System which included Jon Mclure ( the rev ) a rapper from sheffield called Mattic Mouf and Laura Mclure ( Jon's Wife).

At first i was just hanging around making little bits and bats of music for Jimmy to take apart and jiminize if you will and then i noticed the branding and art direction for RSS what completely dated and defiantly could of done with a rework so i got talking to Jon and we ( me and Cory Kilduff) started to mess around with logo's and ideas. Cory came up with this.

We felt it just had a little more pressence within today's bold and brash visuals and also represented the music better. ( The old one was pretty much the same font DMZ use and i felt that the musically style, although completly different could be put in the same ' UK Bass' pigeon hole by the masses so it had to change.)

Here the logo that Cory did and that i will have to use through out this project.