Tuesday 2 February 2010

Final crit 5 key questions.

1. Does the motion graphic hold the viewer? If not how can this be improved?

2. Is the black and white text enough? I find it makes the video clear and legible but I feel like something could be added.

3. Is it clear that the research taken has influenced and help me develop my motion graphic so it is suitable for my audience?

4. Is the visual quality and technical competence of my work present? Any ways of improving?

5. Is there enough evidence of critical awareness throughout my project, if not how could I improve on this.

1 comment:

  1. Holding the view drops slightly in places because of the similarity to the audio, would it be possible to have more of a melody of MCs instead of one beat throughout.

    Have you experimented with colour? just small splashes occasionally might help improve the attention.

    For the final composition as fred mentioned, look at the type hierarchy, would do you read first, and is there enough emphasis on MC's?

    Really nice styles and illustrative type, looks great and variations work well.
