Monday 26 April 2010

Product Range Distrobution


I want to work within an area of design that interests me, allowing me to push my skills and own practice further and at the same time enjoying the subject of the brief. The area of design I want to work within is the culture and entertainment sector, which, I have an interest in outside of design and in particular design for music. I intend to work with a range of clients from major corporate money churning record labels to small independent records labels with a strong ethical outlook. I want to produce for both digital media and design for print. Working in a area’s of branding/marketing, advertising, promotion. Producing products such as music videos, album artwork, brand identity and point of sale using both image and type.

Statement of Intent (200 words)

PRODUCT- promotional material to create a brand awareness, motion graphics, animation, packaging, posters, letterheads and invoices etc.

RANGE – packaging series of audio CD’s, motion graphic and animation adverts. Set of ltd promotional posters.

DISTRIBUTION-This will relate with both print based design and design for digital as it realtes with the medium directly.

What will you produce and what will you propose?

I will produce a number of promotional animated and motion graphic adverts to be put on the internet, which will engage with the audience more than static information. A series of packaging for a monthly cd to be given away at events or available through the organisers. A limited run of screen-printed posters intended for records shop to promote the event brand. Stickers to be used as a form of viral communication. Stationary etc (letterheads, invoices) that will create a more professional look for the brand.


In order to achieve this what brief will you be responding to (attach a copy ) and how will this fulfil your intentions?


Ministry of Sound is an iconic, world-renowned brand, synonymous with dance music.
The club opened in London in September 1991 as a pioneering and unique venue at the forefront of a youth culture revolution, and over the past 17 years has played host to the biggest artists and DJs in the world. The record company which followed is now the biggest independent label in the world with countless No.1 albums and singles, and award-winning videos.
Today you can access Ministry of Sound through a range of products and media. It has international venues, national and international tours, releases over 170 compilations and chart topping singles annually, a radio station, collaborations with mobile networks, a music download site, electronics/audio ranges, clothing, vodka, fragrance ranges and
The brand was established with a vision to do things better than, and different from, everyone else, and this belief is carried through everything we do. We are not afraid to break new ground, be provocative and challenge convention.

The Challenge

We have a history of unusual and creative brand awareness campaigns, from guerilla advertising to virals, all based around the distinctive logo. With so many new and varied products coming out, we feel it’s time to do this again, reminding people what the brand is all about and what it stands for.
We want to see exciting and innovative uses of the logo, that will gain the maximum amount of attention and get across to people what a unique and creative brand this is. We are open to all solutions and will pick and action the best idea for summer 2009.
The challenge is to demonstrate how the existing logo can be applied to different environments and media spaces. The brief is not to redesign the logo itself.
You can find the logo in the project pack at

Brand Attributes

— Authentic. Coming from an original vision, remaining always relevant and giving you something to
believe in that ultimately makes you feel good.
— Iconic. The desire for people to love us and hate us while competing with others to be the best.
— Hedonistic. Fearlessly seeking pleasure through intensifying the here and now.
— Confident. The belief in our knowledge and expertise and the conviction to pursue an ideal.
— Maverick. Behaving deliberately non-conformist because it ‘feels right’ to nurture an
entrepreneurial spirit.

Please adhere to the deliverables guidelines in the Awards section at Full details on the judging process and associated timings can also be found online.

I intend to do the same as these brief using innovative promotion methods for the event mitternacht rather than ministry of sound.


In responding to this brief what areas of research will you have to undertake? What activities will this involve? What material will this research generate?

Ongoing conversation with the client dealing with there needs and wants - this will ensure I am producing material that the client is happy with and that the material is effective.going to event.

Examples of promotion- seeing what has worked and is affective for others and what hasn’t worked.
Branding of records lables and events
Series of idents and stings.
Pacaking cd etc
Stationary material.


In responding to this brief what practical skills, workshop facilities and production methods will you use? What activities will this involve? At what point in the brief will you use them? What will they help you to achieve?

I intend to use practical skills involving concept building idea generation, storyboarding, layout, motion graphic and animation. This will involve generating ideas for promotion, storyboarding for the animation/motion graphic, production of the motion graphic/animation, layout ideas for promotional poster as well as using the screen-printing workshop to produce this. I will also use a vinyl cutter to produce the stickers. At first I will need to generate ideas and develop them to a point where I can take them further into production then I can start using the workshop’s and facilities to produce the products. After this I can evaluate these and see if or what needs to change adapt etc.


What methods will you use to record, document and evaluate your progress practical and contextual investigations in response to this brief? How will you get feedback? How and when will you evaluate your progress and what will you evaluate your progress against?

I will use my blog as an ongoing service of evaluation gaining feedback from peers and the client as well as my own reflective thoughts. I will also be using a work diary, which I will re jig and plan everyday. This way I can evaluate my progress through checking if want needs to be done has been done and whether it has been done effectively. This will also give me chance to time manage properly which will help me achieve what I want to produce in the time scale provided.


List key sources of research (texts, magazine articles, books and websites) that will inform your development.

Computer arts- design for music edition

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Building and breaking down briefs

During yesterday session i found that i wanted to produce work in a specific area for a targeted audience. The idea was around taking the chosen briefs and breaking them down into why you choose them. Did you choose the brief so you could do what YOU wanted to do or did you choose the brief because you wanted to meet the clients needs ie. do you feel more comfortable doing client led work or do you feel more comfortable doing design led by the designer.

One thing that was made clear was that with a brief you need CONTENT,PRODUCT and CONTEXT. These three components are constantly evolving though and can be taken from one area to another for example.


I also found this exercise useful for helping with my PPD and allowing me decide on a direction for specialism in the future. It also made me re-look at briefs so i could choose one with a suitable content as i find i need to be given a problem or message to communicate rather than just come up with one myself.

Current TV is the new brief from the YCN, The idea is to create a TV ads/stings around the theme of participation.


Finally 10 things that make the best brief.

1. Clear content
2. Enjoyable/fun/appropriate
3. Defined audience
4. Specific outcomes
5. Appropriate tone of voice
6. Scope for development
7. Clear deadlines
8. Realistic expectations
9. A audience i can relate with
10. written by me. ha

OUGD 203.2

I have chosen to select briefs that play to my strengths in areas of Moving Image, Branding+Corporate ID, Type as image and Editorial design and at the same time let me develop my practice in to areas of design i would like to work in.

Selected briefs

- Climate Cool

- To Buy Or Not To Buy

- Wrinkly Runners

- In The Logo


- ISTD. 78 rpm - mp3