Wednesday 16 December 2009

Silent movie # 4

Silent movie # 3

Silent movie # 2

Silent movie # 1

Distort# TEST14

This time i tried going for a slower animation i wanted it to reprsent something along the lines of a amplifier being turned up and back down again.

Distort# TEST13

Same sort of thing using 3 short composistion is one.

Animation of story boards

Distort# TEST11/12

I have applied the same principles to the word 'distort' now rather than just the letter d. I feel I am starting to understand after effects more and how it works, you can see this in the movements of the word, the movements are direct and structured. I also feel i am starting to show distortion in my animations more, using static and manipulation to distort the word.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Distort# TEST10

Again more sharp, jerky and fast movements along side static which i have made move up and down like a anologe tv is tracking. I have also tried to distort the letter form more, going between illedgable to ledigble.

Distort# TEST6/7/8/9

Here i have started to develop my ideas along side knowledge i have gained through our workshops with mike and through internet tutorials which i shall post to my design context blog. I have stuck with short, sharp, jerky movements as well as adding static or noise. I have decided to use Helvetica bold which gives a LOUD impression and have also gone with yellow for my colour, this gives of a feeling of warning like in caution signage etc. It also makes the black stand out and vise versa when reversed.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

Story boards refined;continued

Planning is a important aspect when designing a motion graphic. Producing storyboards will help me plan out my animations and gives me chance to see how they will work before touching a computer.

Story boards refined

these are my storyboards i refined for the task's we got given.

1. d is for distortion
2. up and down movement

3. horizontal and vertical movement

4. all task's refine into 18 frames

Distort# TEST5

Whilst coming up with ideas for my animation i kept on thinking about how your tv looks when it distorts. I tried recreating tv style assets along side distorting letterforms and shapes. Really like the jerky look think i gives of the impression of distortion quite well. I will have to re-think about using the coloured tv screen though as the breif states that "You can only use BLACK, WHITE + ONE OTHER COLOUR.

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Initial digital media work...

These are my intial ideas from the session with fred. At first i decided to go with hot and started geting my ideas down which were strongly influenced by tempreture gauges, but instead i have chosen to go with distort. I felt tha the word distort can be shown in a number of way and was a good choice to work with. There is also some inital story boards in the pdf as well, this is the first time i have worked in this format and feel i coped with it well and understood the process.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Distort# TEST4

just made the end a little smoother , i have found time is so important to the design of your moving image, this video is 8 seconds long so i will have to think carefully about how much time i have and how many things i want to do.

Distort# TEST3

Started to use the position function a bit more along with the other transform tools. I also made good use of the blur effects which helps 'distort' my letter form and word. I also nested 3 compositions in to 1. This helped me create a number of different animations in a whole which made the outcome a bit more complex.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Distort# TEST2

Distort# TEST1

On these first attemps of creating a distort animation i tried to mess around as much as possible using techniques to distort the letter forms as much as possible whilst still being ledgible. I am happy with my first attemps but feel more work is needed on position/framing to create less random, more direct movements.

Initial idea

just a quick initial idea i did in flash.
I think involving static could be a good idea to push the idea of distortion.